Meningitis is an infection in the brain and spinal cord. Within the United States, it's usually caused by a virus, but has also been linked to bacteria, parasites and fungi. Early symptoms often look like the flu. Meningitis is diagnosed through blood tests, imaging and spinal fluid analysis.

* A sudden high fever, often in conjunction with a stiff neck, severe headache, nausea and/or vomiting
* Confusion or difficulty concentrating
* Seizures
* Sleepiness or difficulty waking
* Sensitivity to light
* Lack of appetite or thirst
* Skin rash
Children under 2 may have additional symptoms, including:
* Constant crying and irritability
* Excessive sleepiness, inactivity or sluggishness
* Poor eating habits
* A bulge on top of the head
* Stiffness in the body and neck

Meningitis caused by viruses usually goes away in a few weeks. In these cases, little more than bed rest, fluids and pain-relief medications are required. Doctors may prescribe corticosteroids if there's brain swelling, and anticonvulsant medications if there are seizures.

Bacterial meningitis is treated with antibiotics and corticosteroids. The specific antibiotics depend on which bacteria has caused the illness.
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