
The lymphatic system is a network of vessels that lead to and from the body's hundreds of lymph nodes. These gland-like tissues flush toxins and waste that could cause disease from the body. Lymphoma is a cancer of cells in the immune system, called lymphocytes, that fight infection. There are two principle forms of the disease: Hodgkin's lymphoma and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. The difference is in the particular type of lymphocyte that is affected.

* Unusual weight loss
* Constant Fatigue
* Night sweats and fever
* Painless swelling of the lymph nodes in the armpits, groin and neck
* Shortness of breath

Beyond surgery to remove affected nodes, doctors employ an arsenal of tools. Chief among these are biologic therapy and antibody therapy, which stimulate the immune system to target these specific cancer cells. Traditional chemotherapy and radioimmunotherapy are also used, often with corticosteroids such as dexamethasone, hydrocortisone, methylprednisolone and prednisone. The corticosteroids help kill lymphoma cells, as well as manage nausea, pain, inflammation and other side effects.

* Swollen lymph nodes in the neck, underarms or groin are one of the first signs of the disease.
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